
Sally & Richard in the 2010s

Like many photographers, retiring has been a gradual process. Easing away from commercial work, while joining the rest of the world capturing photos with the smart phones in our pockets. Times have changed. Photography has come a long way from being in the hands of a few.

Working less and living more. Going on adventures; Richard to the hills and lakes of the north exploring drone photography, Sally immersing herself in cultural pursuits and her lifelong love of reading. Spending time with friends and family, connecting with peers, old and new.

In recent years, having stepped back from active work, we've enjoyed seeing our work rediscovered and presented in new, exciting ways. There have been exhibitions; Richard's work, Family Self Portrait Project featured in the recreation of a travelling exhibition from the 1970s; Sally's in the innovative Photographing Protest exhibition. Sally also reconnected with her 1970s photography collective, the Hackney Flashers, who's work continues to be discovered by new generations of women, featuring in a numerous galleries including the Hayward, Whitechapel Gallery and Tate Britain - as part of the iconic Women in Revolt exhibition. There have been articles, talks and the beginnings of a book. Richard's Robot project featured in the Science Museum's blockbuster show - Robots. The robotics organisation he founded in the 1980s continues to grow and evolve, working with NASA and Google among others. And Sally found herself on the other side of the camera in an episode of antiques Roadshow, telling the story of how she came to be in possession of Harold Wilson's pipe.

Going into the 2020s we have both turned 80 and celebrated our 60th (diamond) wedding anniversary.

Photos from the Greenhill Photo Library can be licensed at Alamy, or get in contact via email.